In our rapidly changing society, staying relevant even in modern marketing is no longer a strategy, but a necessity. ‘One-size-fits-all belongs to the past’, says Wim Van Campenhout, Managing Director of Dignify. ‘Today’s customers are both hyper-engaged and hyper-distracted – all at the same time. Enter moment marketing.

‘Since the advent of omni-channel marketing in the 2000s, marketing automation has become mainstream. By deploying multiple digital channels, you not only get more functionality, but suddenly also generate a lot more data. Behavioural data has rapidly moved technology towards prediction marketing’, explains Wim Van Campenhout, Managing Director of Dignify. 

Moment marketing is the latest development. ‘Companies want to reach their customers at times that matter. 76 percent of customers expect companies and brands to understand their needs. Studies show that 57 percent of customers stop buying from a company when they see another one offering a better service and buying experience.’

‘Moment marketing is about defining and leveraging the right touchpoints, being super-relevant and preferably highly personalised.’

Wim Van Campenhout, Managing Director of Dignify

‘Take a retailer, for example. Every touchpoint with its customers and prospects can be precisely mapped. Using scoring models and predictive AI, each individual can then be sent different content through one or more digital channels. Through the relevance and timing of your message in conjunction with hyper-personalised content, you will see 60 to 70 percent of your contacts showing a higher purchase intent.’


Centralised and rapidly available data are indispensable here. ‘Some companies think you need to have all the data within a marketing automation platform’, warns Wim Van Campenhout. ‘But in doing so, they make their system cumbersome and often unusable because the end user can no longer see the forest for the trees.’ 

Far too little attention is paid to a platform’s end users. ‘An ideal implementation focuses both on the best practices of available technology and the simplest application of the software within the organisation. Marketing automation should simplify the lives of marketers, allowing them to better focus on the next big thing.’

‘Reach the right people at the right time and let your message resonate like ripples on a pond.’

Wim Van Campenhout, Managing Director of Dignify

Everything starts with what companies want to achieve through marketing automation, ‘and that can be different from one company to the next. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy, one required dataset or one standard software. We support both SMEs and larger companies from A to Z, mixing a cocktail best suited to their purpose’, explains Van Campenhout. ‘From intake to map business and customer needs, to drawing up a matching digital roadmap, to step-by-step implementation of software technology with possible CRM support, to teaching people how to work with that technology. We are a specialised partner and one-stop-shop in this field.’ 

Multidisciplinary team

As a member of Customer Collective, one of Europe’s leading marketing collectives, the complete marketing automation approach to customers can be taken to the next level, through pooling all the different, necessary expertise and letting it interact. A multidisciplinary team, including technical profiles such as data, marketing automation, growth and CRM experts, along with more generalist marketing profiles, can help marketing automation achieve its goal in the best possible way.’