Frequently asked questions

Take the Lead is an initiative of De Tijd that offers a range of educational programmes for business professionals wanting to take the lead in their fields. Our current programmes are designed and delivered by Vlerick Business School, and are awarded an official certificate upon successful completion.

If you already have a subscription to De Tijd, you can get a 3-month digital subscription to L’Echo.

Mediafin NV is the controller for the processing of your personal data via its websites including the website In this respect, Mediafin may share information about your use of its websites with Vlerick Business School (as a partner). For more information please refer to the Mediafin privacy statement.

Following your enrolment in Take the Lead, Mediafin NV and Vlerick Business School act as joint controllers for subscription, events (kick-off and graduation) and marketing concerning Take the Lead. Your personal data processed in this regard will be stored in the database of Vlerick Business School which acts as point of contact for the processing of your personal data and the exercise of your rights. The personal data processed by Mediafin NV and Vlerick Business School include your name, e-mail address, telephone number(), gender(), nationality, function() and employer() (*not obligatory). Upon enrolment, you can opt-in to receive future communications of Mediafin NV and/or Vlerick Business School. In such case you can also – at any time – withdraw your consent for the processing of your personal data by sending an e-mail to

Learn more about your rights and the use of your personal data in the Vlerick privacy policy.

Digital Business Transformation

Every professional, consultant or entrepreneur with at least 3 years of working experience in any business function (e.g. marketing, operations, ICT, financial management, strategy, …), across any business sector, and eager to learn more, share more, and have more impact, can apply. As the course will be offered in English, the participants are expected to have a proficient level of English.

It is a 100% online programme consisting of 6 modules. Every 2 weeks a new module starts. To make the learning highly interactive, online sessions are offered on a regular basis.

Live online sessions:
– Kick-off event: 17 March 2022
– Wrap up interactive sessions: 31 March, 14 April, 12 May 2022
– Mid Term event: 21 April 2022
– Live Q&A’s: 5 and 25 May 2022
– Closing event: 9 June 2022

This 12-week programme consists of 6 modules. Each modules requires approximately 3-5 hours of work per week.

Module 0: Introduction (available from 14 March 2022)
Familiarise yourself with the learning journey
Learn the practical details of the programme

Module 1: Digital Transformation Next (17 – 31 March)
Understand the essence of contemporary digital transformation.
Learn about the challenge of creating a resilient and agile organisation capable of winning in digital times.

Module 2: Organisational resilience (31 March – 14 April)
Describe the key characteristics of a resilient organisation. ​
Position how digital technology and digital leadership skills help organisations anticipate shocks and respond to crises.

Module 3: Personal resilience (14 – 28 April)
Discover how digital leaders can personally cope with the uncertainty, risk, and turbulence inherent to the digital era and contemporary business landscape.
Know what the mental capabilities of resilient leaders are and behaviour strategies they use

Module 4: Exploring opportunities (28 April – 12 May)
Describe the key responsibilities of a digital leader to explore and experiment.
Investigate how digital leaders scan the environment and harness diverse & creative teams’ power to experiment with new digital technologies.

Module 5: Exploiting and scaling (12 – 25 May)
Describe the key responsibilities of a digital leader to exploit digital capabilities to create a winning organisation.​
Investigate how digital leaders scale agile initiatives and projects and exploit opportunities.

Module 6: Taking the lead (25 May – 9 June)
Develop an action plan for increasing your personal resilience as well as introducing digital-age organisational agility and resilience in your own organisation.​ Reflect on your key learnings for this program. ​

In the 12 weeks of your online learning journey, a mix of different didactical formats will be used. There will be webinars, short videos, testimonials, readings, individual assignments and reflection, team assignments and other ways of interaction and knowledge sharing between participants. There will be a variety in read/listen/watch/test/do assignments.

Take the Lead in Digital Business Transformation will be entirely conducted in English. Participants are expected to have a proficient level of English.

The expected time investment in the online learning programme is 3-4 hours per week (including videos, readings, webinars and assignments). It’s designed to allow for self-paced learning during each of the 6 online modules. However, the programme has strict timings on module start and end dates to allow you to benefit maximally from peer feedback and group learning as you progress through the journey.

Yes. Always in mind of the impact on participants’ workplace, the programme is delivered 100% online, allowing you to fit Take the Lead into your busy schedule. Nevertheless, you should bear in mind that Take the Lead is an intensive course requiring at least 3 – 4 hours per week.

The content and assignments of the programme have been carefully selected and designed by Vlerick Business School professors, some of whom will be present during the live online events.
Stijn Viaene, Take the Lead programme director, will be available during 2 live online Q&A sessions.
Moreover, you can opt for a ‘learning buddy’ approach. Participants who will chose for this option, will belong to a small peer group of 5-7 people, allowing them to discuss ideas and provide feedback to each another, and opening up new perspectives to regularly inspire and challenge each other throughout the learning journey.

Certainly! This programme has been completely redesigned to tackle today’s business questions. The challenge of digital transformation is the same, but the business context is different. The key focus this time is on how to build organisational resilience and agility.

Part of the curriculum, the (online) interactive events are a great opportunity to interact with business experts and professors, and to connect with your fellow participants. We count on your attendance.

The registration fee for Take the Lead Digital Business Transformation 2022 is € 1.350 (excl. VAT). This includes:
– All learning content (6 modules)
– 7 highly interactive online events with business experts and Vlerick Business School professors
– 3-month digital subscription to De Tijd or L’Echo

After completing at least 75% of the online modules and taking part in 80% of the (online) events, you will receive your official Vlerick Business School completion certificate ‘Take the Lead – Digital Business Transformation leadership’.

In these turbulent economic and societal times, most companies’ business model is under severe pressure. So,  it is no coincidence that agility and resilience will play a prominent role in Take the Lead’s upcoming edition. Vlerick and Mediafin’s digital business transformation leadership programme will start its sixth edition March 2022. Vlerick Business School Stijn Viaene and Marion Debruyne will kick it off.


Professionals with at least 3 years of work experience who:
– Aspire to drive his or her organisation’s digital transformation;
– Want to serve as an ambassador for digital-savvy change;
– Seek a comprehensive understanding of the connection between leadership, sustainability, and digital transformation.
– Would like to stay updated on industry trends, expand their professional network

The programme starts with a physical event on 3 October (6:30 P.M. – 10:00 P.M.). After this kick-off the programme continues online in 4 modules. To make the learning highly interactive, 2 online sessions, are offered:
– Online interactive event with Prof. Philippe Backe: 3 November (12:30 P.M. – 1:30 P.M.)
– Panel debate with Q&A: 24 November (12:00 P.M. – 1:30 P.M.)
We finish the programme with a graduation event on 12 December (6.30 P.M. – 9:00 P.M) where you can network with your peers.

This 10-week learning journey is made up of 4 online modules. Each module requires approximately 4 hours of work per week.

Module 1: From Strategy to Implementation
Formulate a strategy which enables the creation of value through digital technology.
Promote more data-driven methods and processes within your organization.
Propose the enhancement of products by offering digital services linked to or embedded within them.
Propose the development of new products and services through digital technology.

Module 2: Data and Digital Technologies
Present the technology areas which currently influence the business landscape.

Module 2A: Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence
Develop a good managerial understanding of the basic concepts of analytical techniques and learn to detect business opportunities that these techniques can bring.
Understand the basics of descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics, including how to collect, organize, and interpret past data to report on basic KPIs in any functional area, such as sales and marketing, operations, and finance.
Raise your awareness of the mechanisms that enable companies to create and capture more value with AI technologies.

Module 2B: Automation
Understand how automation has changed the world of work and what is different in the hyper-digitised world of work.
List examples of automation that are busy transforming the business world and articulate the high-level impact of these examples of automation.
Bring certain leadership practices into their normal world of work to harness the power of automation.

Module 2C: The Blockchain: Crypto, NFTs
Understand the evolution of digital currencies and assets, seeing their current expressions and uses.
Distinguish between what has been hyped and what have been authentic gains within the world of blockchain and crypto.
Decide when the potential use of blockchain or crypto is promising and when it’s not.
Analyse some applications of the blockchain and crypto within the industries.

Module 2D: Extended Reality and the Metaverse
Define the metaverse by understanding its main components and expected functions.
Analyse the metaverse and metaverse-related endeavours by using the VE4 Framework.
Apply the VE4 framework to real-life cases, thereby gaining a better understanding of their metaverse potential.

Module 2E: Security and Ethics: The Cost of Technology
Apply the insights gained from the previous technology modules into two critical areas: Cybersecurity and Ethics
Understand the implications the digital transformation of a company poses to its cybersecurity and that of its clients.
Understand the different ways ethical behaviour can be affected by certain digital practices and methods.

Module 3: Digital Leadership: People, Growth and Resilience
Reflect upon the growth mindset, resistance and psychological safety constitute three important pillars of leadership.
Understand your digital leadership profile.
Reflect how a more open and daring form of leadership is more effective for digital than a more closed and armoured one.

Module 4: Digital Enabled Sustainability
Understand the manners in which digital and sustainability are interlinked.
Analyze how the topic of materiality plays a pivotal role in linking digital and sustainability.
Apply the concept of materiality within your own organization.

Every module will involve various learning activities, including expert interviews, case studies, personal reflection, applications in your company, discussions with your peers, faculty expertise through videos.

In the 10 weeks of your online learning journey, a mix of different didactic formats will be used. There will be live online sessions, short videos, testimonials, readings, individual assignments and reflection, team assignments and other interaction and knowledge sharing between participants. There will be a mix of read/listen/watch/test/do assignments.

The programme will be entirely conducted in English. Participants are expected to have a proficient level of English.

The expected time investment in the learning programme is 4 hours per week (including videos, readings, webinars and assignments) for a period of 10 weeks. It is designed to allow for self-paced learning during each of the 4 online modules. However, the programme has strict module start and end dates to allow you to benefit maximally from peer feedback and group learning as you progress through the journey.

Yes. Always mindful of the impact on participants’ work, the programme is mostly delivered online, allowing you to fit the programme into your busy schedule. Nevertheless, you should bear in mind that it is an intensive course requiring at least 4 hours per week. We schedule the live online sessions during lunch hours to avoid interference with your professional agenda.

Ann Vereecke, Full Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Vlerick Business School, is the programme director and as such responsible for the programme’s storyline.

The programme content and assignments have been carefully selected and designed by Vlerick Business School professors, some of whom will be present during the live online events.
We have opted for a ‘learning buddy’ approach. Each participant will belong to a small peer group of 4-5 people, allowing them to discuss ideas and provide feedback to each another, and opening up new perspectives for inspiring and challenging each other throughout the learning journey.

The synchronous events (physical kick-off event and 2 online events) are a great opportunity to interact with business experts and professors, and to connect with your fellow participants. We encourage you to not miss these events, but if you do, online webinars will be recorded and uploaded on the platform afterwards.

The registration fee for the programme is € 2.195 (excl. VAT).
This includes:
– all learning content (4 modules),
– the physical Kick-off & Graduation events
– 2 interactive online events
– 3-month digital subscription to De Tijd

Invoices are sent digitally to the email address communicated in the registration form.

If you already have a subscription to De Tijd, you can get a 3-month digital subscription to L’Echo.

This programme is eligible for some subsidies such as ‘Prime formation/Opleidingspremie’ from the Brussels government or the KMO portefeuille in Flanders.

Once completing at least 80% of the online modules before the deadline, you will receive your official Vlerick Business School ‘Take the Lead – Digital Business of the Future completion certificate.

If you enroll on the programme, we need to be able to contact you about this learning journey. Your personal data will therefore be stored in the database of Vlerick Business School which is the controller of the processing of your personal data. Your name, function, employer and e-mail address will also be shared with Mediafin NV, publisher of De Tijd and L’Echo, for the organisation of the programme (events). You can voluntary opt-in to receive future communications from each organising party. In such case you can – at any time – withdraw your consent for your personal data being used for the purpose you agreed to by sending an e-mail to”. Learn more about your rights and the use of your personal data in our privacy policy.

Sustainability Management

Any professional, consultant or entrepreneur with at least 3 years’ working experience who wants to take the leap towards embracing sustainability in the organisation, regardless of their business function and sector (hr, sales, finance, supply chain, …), people seeking ways to integrate social and environmental issues in their business organisation, people wanting to be convinced or wanting to convince others that sustainability is core to future business success and a necessity for growth, innovation and competitive advantage. As the course will be offered in English, the participants are expected to have a proficient level of English.

The programme starts with a physical event on 28 March (6:30 P.M. – 9.30 P.M.). After this kick-off the programme continues online with 8 modules. To make the learning highly interactive, 3 online sessions, are offered:
– Interactive session with Prof. Kerstin Fehre & Prof. Steve Muylle: 3 May (12:30 P.M. – 1:30 P.M.)
– Interactive session with Prof. Smaranda Boros: 8 May (12:30 P.M. – 1:30 P.M.)
– Online business panel: 27 May (12:30 P.M. – 1:30 P.M.)
We finish the programme with a graduation event on 4 June (6.30 P.M. – 9:00 P.M) where you can network with your peers.

This 10-week programme consists of 8 modules. Each module requires approximately 3 hours of work per week.

Module 0: Introduction to the programme
Familiarise yourself with the learning journey
Learn the practical details of the programme
Module 1: Profit and purpose
Learn how profit and sustainability are not mutually exclusive but can rather reinforce each other
Learn how you can create both profits and social value if a business is founded on purpose.
Module 2: From shareholder value to stakeholder value
Find your way in the ‘sustainability dictionary’: sustainability, CSR, ESG, sustainable development, stakeholder engagement, business ethics
Learn to set priorities for sustainability, where to start, and how to use a materiality matrix to define stakeholders’ interests.

Module 3: Design a strategy for sustainability
Develop the cornerstones of a strategy for sustainability and identify the linkage between stakeholders’ interests and the purpose of a strategy;
Create a common understanding of the role and importance of strategy for sustainability.
Module 4: The consumer perspective on sustainability
Appraise the corporate reputation of your company and compose actions for improvement
Identify and address reputational risks in your supply chain
Time to catch up
This week, no extra material will be added to the platform, but we foresee time for you to catch up or to look back on your learnings from previous modules.

Module 5: The path to net-zero emissions
Understand the fundamental features of the Green Deal and what it means for businesses
Assess the short and medium-term feasibility of the Deal and how to implement it.
Module 6: The social side of sustainability
Apply the concepts of privilege, equity and inclusion to analyse the structural fabric of society/organisations and intergroup relations
Gain deeper insights into the reality and consequences of gender inequality around the world

Module 7: Sustainability reporting and performance
Assess the most suitable reporting framework for your organisation and reflect on current challenges for sustainability reporting
Discover E(nvironment)S(ocial)G(overnance) performance indicators and ways to incentive for sustainability
Module 8: Financing sustainability
Define and explain how ESG factors can be incorporated into investment decisions
Evaluate how sustainability is priced and incorporated into the valuation of assets

Every module will involve various learning activities, including expert interviews, case studies, personal reflection, applications in your company, discussions with your peers, faculty expertise through videos.

In the 10 weeks of your online learning journey, a mix of different didactic formats will be used. There will be live online sessions, short videos, testimonials, readings, individual assignments and reflection, team assignments and other interaction and knowledge sharing between participants. There will be a mix of read/listen/watch/test/do assignments.

The Sustainability Management programme will be entirely conducted in English. Participants are expected to have a proficient level of English.

The expected time investment in the learning programme is 3 hours per week (including videos, readings, webinars and assignments) for a period of 10 weeks. It is designed to allow for self-paced learning during each of the 8 online modules. However, the programme has strict module start and end dates to allow you to benefit maximally from peer feedback and group learning as you progress through the journey.

Yes. Always mindful of the impact on participants’ work, the programme is mostly delivered online, allowing you to fit the Sustainability Management programme into your busy schedule. Nevertheless, you should bear in mind that it is an intensive course requiring at least 3 hours per week. We schedule the 3 live online sessions during lunch hours to avoid interference with your professional agenda.

Marion Debruyne, Dean, Full Professor and Partner at Vlerick Business School, is the programme director and as such responsible for the programme’s storyline.
The programme content and assignments have been carefully selected and designed by Vlerick Business School professors, some of whom will be present during the live online events.
We have opted for a ‘learning buddy’ approach. Each participant will belong to a small peer group of 4-5 people, allowing them to discuss ideas and provide feedback to each another, and opening up new perspectives for inspiring and challenging each other throughout the learning journey.

The synchronous events (physical kick-off event, graduation and 3 online events) are a great opportunity to interact with business experts and professors, and to connect with your fellow participants. The online events are recorded and available on the platform afterwards, but we encourage you to attend to make the most out of the networking opportunities.

The registration fee for the Sustainability Management programme is € 2.195 (excl. VAT).
This includes:
– all learning content (8 modules),
– the physical kick-off and the graduation event
– 3 interactive online events
– 3-month digital subscription to De Tijd

Invoices are sent digitally to the email address communicated in the registration form.

After completing at least 80% of the online modules, you will receive your official Vlerick Business School ‘Take the Lead – Sustainability Management’ completion certificate.

Connecting Leadership

Professionals in management positions – from junior to senior managers
Experienced professionals who don’t hold a specific people management role

The programme starts with a physical event on 18 April (7:30 P.M. – 9:45 P.M) After this kick-off the programme continues online with 8 modules. To make the learning highly interactive, 3 online sessions are offered:
– Online interactive event on ‘Building a connection’ after Module 3. 
– Online content discussion with Q&A after Module 6.
– Online keynote with Jean Vanhoegaerden after Module 8
We finish the programme with a graduation event on 27 June (7 P.M. – 9:30 P.M.) where you can network with your peers.

This 10-week programme consists of 8 modules. Each module requires approximately 3 hours of work per week. Throughout this programme you will create a personal and collective (organizational) action plan.

Module 1: Purpose: Discovering your purpose
Connect with your individual purpose
Learn the practical details of the programme

Module 2: People: Building an effective team
Discover ways how to build deeper connections with people you work with
Build efficient dynamics while leading diverse and virtual teams

Module 3: Goals: Coaching
Understand the importance of stimulating a coaching culture
Apply goal-setting and feedback frameworks

Module 4: Future: Cultivate future skills
Reflect on the skills that you and your team needs to thrive in the future
Module 5: Purpose: Shared purpose
Reflect on organisational aspirations and how they fit with your individual journey
Get insights into how you can create a meaningful collective purpose
Module 6: People: Shaping your culture
Understand the key elements of a team’s/organizational culture and reflect on the “as is” and “to be” culture of your own team/organization
Determine actions to shape the culture you need to meet your team’s/organization’s aspirations
Module 7: Goals: Decision making
Learn specific steps to improve individual decision making
Appreciate ways in which group decision making is done
Module 8: Future: Leading change
Develop an understanding of adaptive leadership
Get insights in some of the behaviours of adaptive leadership that can make organisational change happen

In the 10 weeks of your online learning journey, a mix of different teaching formats will be used. There will be live online sessions, short videos, testimonials, readings, individual assignments and reflection, team assignments and other interaction and knowledge sharing between participants. There will be a mix of read/listen/watch/test/do assignments.

The Connecting Leadership programme will be conducted entirely in English. Participants are expected to have a proficient level of English.

The expected time investment in the learning programme is 3 hours per week (including videos, readings, webinars and assignments) for a period of 10 weeks. The programme is designed to allow for self-paced learning during each of the 8 online modules. However, the programme has strict module start and end dates to allow you to benefit maximally from peer feedback and group learning as you progress through the journey.

Yes. Always mindful of the impact on participants’ work, the programme is mostly delivered online, allowing you to fit the Connecting Leadership programme into your busy schedule. Nevertheless, you should bear in mind that it is an intensive course requiring at least 3 hours per week. We schedule the 3 live online sessions during lunch hours to avoid interference with your professional agenda.

Katleen De Stobbeleir, Professor of Leadership at Vlerick Business School, is the programme director and as such responsible for the programme’s storyline.
The programme content and assignments have been carefully selected and designed by Vlerick Business School professors, some of whom will be present during the live online events.
We have opted for a ‘learning buddy’ approach. Each participant will belong to a small peer group, allowing them to discuss ideas and provide feedback to each another, and opening up new perspectives for inspiring and challenging each other throughout the learning journey.

The synchronous events (physical kick-off event, graduation event and 3 online events) are a great opportunity to interact with business experts and professors, and to connect with your fellow participants. We count on your attendance. While the online events are recorded to allow you to watch a replay, only actual presence at the event counts towards your certificate.

The registration fee for the Connecting Leadership programme is € 2,195 (excl. VAT).
This includes:
– all learning content (8 modules),
– the physical kick-off & graduation event
– 3 interactive online events
– 3-month digital subscription to De Tijd

Invoices are sent digitally to the email address communicated in the registration form.

After completing at least 80% of the online modules, you will receive your official Vlerick Business School ‘Take the Lead – Connecting Leadership’ completion certificate.